Rent, swap & share for 1-12 months:
Use together
Rent (out) for several months:

"A mountain hut for me & my family!"
Rent from private owners.
"Perfect, no matter if main or low season"!
Commercial leisure properties for rent.
Swap seasonally - variety on weekends:

"Swap hut on mountain for house on lake!"
Classic home exchange for one season.
"14 days at my place and 14 days at your place!"
Or monthly. Or - as agreed individually.
Temporarily share apartments:

"One month yours, next month mine!"
Sensible use of spare capacities.
"On weekends yours, on weekdays mine!"
No more vacancies during the week.
Landlords find Tenants

Traveling couple, no children

International Family

House in Southern Styria?

Like to travel and experience
Difference to Airbnb & Co
On a monthly basis
Multi-month agreement
Regular visits possible
For a one-time trip / annual leave
For long-distance holidays.
Familiar Guests
Long-term guest relationship
Therefore increased confidence
Guests change very often.
"Renegotiate rules"
Own Use
On request own use possible
Flexible sharing or swapping
No own use during rental
Rigid tenancy with tenant.
Service - Costs
For contact, booking & insurance you need "HomeSweetHome12 or 24":